Take This Anti-Aging Test To See How Fast Your Body Is Aging
Anti-Aging Test Should Be Done As You Do Your Facial Exercises
Doing facial exercises is great but how do you know that you are reversing the clock on aging?
You may not need an anti-aging test to discover that your body seems to be aging fast.
The Problem With The Mirror In Evaluating Your Progress
Sometimes looking in the mirror is the best way to determine that your body is not keeping up with:
- the effects of gravity on the body
- the ravages of sun on the skin
- the effects of pollution on the cells
- the psychological stresses that life brings
But the problem with this is that you can’t necessarily see changes on a daily or weekly basis. Looking into the mirror is a subjective test.
This means that you “think” you see certain changes in your wrinkles or the frown lines. But how would you measure the changes in wrinkles unless you had an objective way to measure them?
Without taking some sort of measurement, you really can’t expect what you see to be a critical evaluation of your aging.
How Do Anti-Aging Scientists Measure Results In Their Official Anti-Aging Studies?
That’s why scientists have determined different ways to measure aging. For example, in the case of wrinkles, there actually is a testing device that can measure wrinkles down to the hundredth of an inch.
You can actually determine the depth of that wrinkle with another type of device. And that’s exactly what scientists do during anti-aging tests to see if there really was a difference with a certain type of treatment.
Here’s the dilemma. Who wants to get that technical when you are at home and happily doing your face exercises regularly?
Really, there’s no need to do so.
But there is a way you can determine how your body really is coping with the demands of aging.
Easy Hand Skin Test Can Help You Determine Your Aging
It’s a simple hand skin test that can determine your aging process.
Have you ever compared the difference between the hands of an 80-year-old with the hands of a 2-year-old?
What you’ll see is that the hands of an 80-year-old have skin that tends to be quite thin. The skin may also be a little loose and be translucent. Skin that is translucent is skin that allows you to see the veins underneath quite well.
In some cases, the skin of an 80-year-old may be bruised. And you may hear that person say things such as, “It looks like I got beat up but I don’t even remember hitting my hand against something to make a bruise.”
What’s happening in this person’s skin is that the blood vessels are leaking underneath the skin. The leakage of blood from the damaged capillaries forms the bruise.
The blood vessels are themselves weak and the least little trauma splits them open. This is often due to a deficiency of vitamin C and/or protein.
This condition occurs pretty frequently and as long as it is tended to, it will go away. But the hands of an 80-year-old will never look like the hands of a 2-year-old.
The skin on the hands of a 2-year-old appear tight, thick, and healthy because of adequate blood flow.
It’s difficult to see any blood vessels in the hands of young people. This is because there is a plump collagen layer that is underneath the skin.
How To Do The Anti-Aging Test?
To do the anti-aging test, you simply follow these directions:
1. To test, place your left hand at rest with the palm down on top of a desk or countertop. “At rest” means relaxing, and never in the shape of a fist.
2. With your right hand, pinch the skin exactly in the middle of your hand.
This is exactly halfway from your knuckles to your wrist. You will have to grab the skin and pull it upwards to do this. “Pinching” doesn’t mean make it hurt though.
3. Now hold the skin up in the air away from your hand for a count of 30 seconds. Make sure you have a timeclock nearby, although it’s best if you get a friend to do the timing.
4. Finally you will let the skin snap back into place on your hand. Right before you let it fall back, tell your friend, “Ready, set, go.” Then let it snap back.
5. As soon as there is no trace of any skin falling back to its proper position, say, “Time!” to alert your friend to stop the timer.
How many seconds did you get?
How To Interpret Your Results
Ideally you want the time to be 1 second or less. However, when you’re in your 40s and 50s, the time starts increasing.
It’s even possible that your time could be as long as 60 seconds!
This is a test of elasticity in your skin, which is a test for anti-aging.
The older your skin aging is, the less elasticity your skin has. The younger your skin aging is, the more elasticity your skin has and the quicker it will snap back into place.
You can start to see a big difference in your skin elasticity if you start paying more attention to your diet and take your supplements regularly.
Doing this test weekly can give you enough objective results so that you can decide whether or not to continue whatever it is that you are adding or subtracting from your diet.
As you might deduce, if you are doing facial exercises, you are working on the muscles of your face, but doing nothing for the actual skin elasticity.
This tells you that it’s more than just muscles underneath the skin that is ultimately responsible for your aging.