Your Skin

Aromatherapy Facial Oils For Healthy Glowing Skin

Nature’s Pharmacy

Facial oils provide a wonderful boost to your skin and the good news is that it’s never been easier to make your own 100% natural facial oils using aromatherapy essential oils.

Essential oils are best described as the pure essences found in nature’s berries, barks, flowers, fruits, grasses, herbs, roots and seeds.

Every oil has its own unique fragrance, character and healing properties. Aromatherapy is the practice of using these oils to promote physical and psychological well-being.

Essential Oil Safety

1. Safety Basics

Only buy 100% pure natural essential oils.

Keep all essential oils out of reach of children. Never take essential oils internally.

If essential oils are swallowed accidently seek urgent medical attention. Avoid contact with the eyes, ears and mouth. Some oils are flammable; keep essential oils away from open flames, sparks, fires and electricity.

2. Less Is More

Essential oils are highly concentrated so a little goes a long way – this also makes them cost effective. It is vital that you do not exceed the recommended number of drops per facial oil recipe.

Oils to use sparingly include: cassia, cinnamon, clove, cumin, hyssop, lemongrass, oregano, peppermint and thyme.

3. When Not To Use Essential Oils

It is best to avoid using essential oils on children, if you are pregnant, have asthma, epilepsy or high blood pressure, have a skin condition or skin allergies, are on a course of medication, or you are in doubt about any health condition you have.

Always consult your doctor before using essential oils if you are unsure and if in doubt consult a qualified aromatherapist. Safety first!

4. How To Store Essential Oils

Essential oils should be used within one year of opening.

The best way to prolong the shelf life of your oils is to store them in dark glass bottles and keep them in a cool dark place, such as the fridge.

The shelf life of essential oils decreases when exposed to light, air and heat.

5. Photosensitivity

Some oils are sensitive to sunlight and can cause reactions leaving you with patches of skin discoloration. It is always best to stay out of the sun after applying essential oils to the skin.

Photosensitive oils include bergamot, cumin, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, mandarin, orange and tangerine.

Discover The Best Facial Oils For You

When making your facial oil recipe the most important thing to remember is to use only 10 drops of neat essential to every 10 ml of base oil so 20 drops of essential oil to 20 ml base oil, 30 drops to 30 ml and so on.

A – Z Of Base Oils For Skin Types And Conditions

Aromatherapy oils in their natural state are highly concentrated and must not be used directly on the skin.

A base oil is used to dilute essential oils so they can be used on your skin.

Base oils are made from vegetable, nuts and seeds and many also have their own therapeutic qualities.

If you are allergic to nuts it is obviously important to avoid using nut oils and to consult a qualified aromatherapist to discuss which base oil may be suitable for you to use safely.

Some oils can be used 100%, meaning you can use 30 ml of base oil to 30 drops of essential oil. Other base oils are used to be diluted so you would use 10 ml of one base oil, 20 ml of another base oil and 30 drops of essential oil.

Apricot oil: Suitable for all skin types, premature aging and sensitive skin. Can be used 100%.

Avocado oil: Suitable for all skin types, especially good for dry skin. Use as a 10% dilution with another base oil.

Borage seed oil: Good for dry and mature skin and for rejuvenation. Use as a 10% dilution with another base oil.

Carrot oil: Good for dry and mature skin and for rejuvenation. Use as a 10% dilution with another base oil.

Evening Primrose oil: Good for all skin, particularly where there is premature skin aging. Use as a 10% dilution with another base oil.

Grapeseed oil: A universal base oil suitable for all skin types. Can be used 100%.

Hazelnut oil: Good for all skin types with mildly astringent properties. Can be used 100%.

Jojoba oil: Suitable for all skin types, good for acne. Use as a 10% dilution with another base oil.

Safflower oil: Suitable for all skin types. Can be used 100%.

Sesame oil: Suitable for all skin types. Use as a 10% dilution with another base oil.

Sweet almond oil: Another universal base oil suitable for all skin types especially dry skin. Can be used 100%.

Wheatgerm oil: Suitable for all skin types particularly mature and prematurely aged. Use as a 10% dilution with another base oil.

*Important! All essential oils must first be diluted in a base oil before applying to the skin.

A – Z Of Essential Oils For Skin Types And Conditions

*Important! Be aware that some oils are photosensitive and will react with sunlight, to avoid skin discoloration apply aromatherapy facial oils and night only.

Acne: Grapefruit, lavender, niaouli, Palma Rose, petitgrain, rose geranium, sandalwood, tea tree.

Dry skin: Cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, neroli, orange, Palma Rosa, rose, rose geranium.

Infections/Cuts: Chamomile, lavender, myrrh, niaouli, rosewood, tea tree, thyme. Seek medical advice first.

Inflammation: Chamomile, myrrh, rosewood. Seek medical advice first.

Irritation: Chamomile, lavender, jasmine, peppermint. Seek medical advice first.

Mature skin: Frankincense, myrrh, neroli, patchouli, rose, rose geranium.

Normal skin: Chamomile, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli, rose, rosewood, ylang-ylang.

Oily skin: Cedarwood, chamomile, cypress, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, lime, rose geranium, patchouli, petitgrain, sandalwood, tea tree, ylang-ylang.

Open Pores/Blackheads: Cedarwood, frankincense, lemongrass, peppermint, rose.

Neck Skincare: Clary sage, lemon, lemongrass, Palma Rosa, Petitgrain rose.

Puffy Skin: Celery, clary sage, cypress, marjoram, peppermint, rosemary.

Rejuvenating: Carrot seed, frankincense, jasmine, neroli, Palma Rosa, rose, sandalwood, vetiver.

Sensitive Skin: Chamomile, jasmine, neroli, Palma Rosa, rose, rosewood.

Scars: Carrot seed, lavender, petitgrain.

Toning: Chamomile, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, orange, petitgrain.

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