The Importance Of Good Digestion For Vibrant, Healthy Skin
Beauty Comes From Within
It is a well-known fact that eating healthily is vital if we want to achieve healthy, smooth, glowing skin.
However it’s a lesser-known fact that good digestion plays an important role when it comes to our bodies assimilating all the goodness we can get from healthy foods.
We can make changes to our diets and make sure we are getting a regular, adequate supply of essential vitamins and minerals but if our digestive system isn’t working effectively then all the effort put into healthy eating will be in vain.Vibrant healthy skin is dependent on a constant supply of high-quality nutrients. Making sure that those all important skin-friendly vitamins and minerals get to where they need to is crucial if we want to achieve beautiful skin.
The Digestive System And Your Skin
When we eat, the food makes its way through the digestive system to the stomach where it is broken down into amino acids, fatty acids, simple sugars and other substances in order to be distributed via the bloodstream.
If the digestive system is functioning poorly our bodies may not receive all the vital vitamins and minerals that we need.
As the skin is the largest organ of the body it is often the first place to show signs of imbalance or toxicity. Many common skin problems can occur because of a digestive system that isn’t functioning optimally.
Conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis may have their root cause in a poorly functioning digestive system.
Your digestive system is tough and can withstand a lot of stress however it can only do so for so long. Over time bad habits accumulate and skin and health problems can occur.
It makes sense then to take some positive steps to ensure the health of your digestive system for the long-term health of your skin and your body.
Tips For Improving Digestive Function
There are many ways in which you can improve the health and function of your digestive system.
We are not suggesting that you need to try them all out immediately but some simple changes made gradually can improve the function of the digestive system and have a remarkable effect on the tone and texture of your skin.
1. Don’t Eat On The Go
Take time over your meals, sit down when you eat and don’t get up immediately after eating, rushing off to perform some task. Make meal times a pleasurable and relaxing experience.
2. Chew Food Well
Digestion begins from the minute you put food into your mouth and it’s why you have teeth! If you chew your food adequately rather than swallowing chunks whole there is less work for the rest of the digestive system to do.
Chewing food properly means your digestive system is not overtaxed by one meal.
3. Don’t Talk With Your Mouth Full
Your mother may have told you this and she was right! Talking with food in your mouth means you are likely to swallow lots of air.
Excess air can interfere with the digestion process and may cause some unpleasant side effects later on!
Also when you talk with food in your mouth the chewing action is compromised and you won’t chew your food efficiently, impairing digestive function.
4. Eat Moderately
Don’t overeat, moderate portions are best. Overeating puts too much stress on the digestive system in one sitting.
5. Eat Fresh
Choose foods that are as close to their fresh natural state as possible. Avoid preservatives, packaged foods, convenience and fast foods and other take-outs.
6. Avoid Drinking Large Amounts With Meals
Too much liquid can interfere with the digestion process and tea in particular can rob the body of vital nutrients if it is taken with food.
If you need to drink with food, sipping small amounts of plain water is acceptable and of course you can treat yourself to a very occasional glass of wine!
7. Eat Regularly
Try to eat at regular set times as irregular eating habits can confuse your digestive system. If you go for long periods of time without eating or regularly skip meals your digestive system will not be prepared for food when it arrives.
This can lead to stomach cramps, bloating and feeling generally uncomfortable after eating.
8. Always Eat Breakfast
Even if you can only manage a small piece of toast or fruit it’s important to get something into your stomach at the beginning of the day.
Avoid anything that is too acidic in the mornings – coffee in the morning increases stomach acid, which can cause digestive problems.
9. Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise stimulates the muscles of the intestines helping them to push digestive matter through your system. Constipation can occur if your digestive system is sluggish and this can have a negative effect on your skin.
10. Out With The Bad In With The Good
Avoid foods that are deep fried or very rich in fats such as cream as these can be very difficult to digest. Try instead to grill, steaming, boiling, stir-frying, stewing or baking your food.
11. Eat Raw
A small salad of raw vegetables before your main meal of the day is an excellent way to prepare your digestive system for the meal to come.
Natural enzymes in raw foods help to enhance the digestion process and as an added bonus they fill you up so you are less likely to overeat at your main meal.
12. Consider Probiotics
Probiotics are found in live, natural yoghurt or can be taken as a supplement. Probiotics encourage friendly ‘flora’ in the digestive tract and can help to maintain gut health.
They are particularly helpful for people suffering from skin conditions.
13. Reduce Or Manage Stress
Many people say that stress goes straight to their stomachs and they would be right. Stress affects the digestive system’s nerves and this can upset your stomach in several ways.
Stress is a known cause of irritable bowel syndrome, stomach upsets, constipation and even serious conditions like stomach ulcers.