Want To Shape Up Your Face? Jowls? Double chin? Hang dog expression? Loose skin around the face is unfortunately one of the hazards of the aging process – however the good news is that it isn’t inevitable and there is much you can do in the way of skin tightening to gain a…
Facial exercises are amazing in what they can do to your skin. Within a short period of time, say one to two months, you can look as if you are ten years younger. If you continue doing facial exercises over your lifetime, you really will not age much at all….
How To Get Fuller Lips? Bee-stung lips are all the rage these days with celebrities all over the globe opting for a shot of collagen to the lips to achieve that desirable plump pout. However, many of us don’t have the money to pay for regular collagen injections and lots of us…
When you’re doing your facial exercises, it’s very important to do whatever you can to find a dry skin solution. You must keep your skin moist. How can you do this? The answer is simple: mimic what nature does to your skin and you’ll have better results. Learn Anti-Aging Tricks From…
Having a chunky face sure isn’t one that a person would consider an asset. But what a lot of people don’t know is that they can have a non surgical face lift through face toning, a tried and tested practice that can finely sculpt the face the non-invasive and chemical-free way. A…
When you were a kid did you ever make fun of an older person because of the loose neck skin hanging like turkey wattle? Maybe you even used names like “Old Chicken Neck.” Now, horror of horrors, you look in the mirror and there you see your own version of chicken…
Aging Skin And Wrinkles The aging process eventually creeps up on all of us and, for many people, the shock of seeing an aging reflection in the mirror, where there was once a more youthful-looking person, can be hard to deal with. On spotting those first signs of aging, such…
Want To Look Younger? We all know that eventually the signs of aging will show up on our faces. None of us can escape time and even those blessed with excellent genes or those who have meticulously followed all the anti-aging advice to the letter will end up with some degree of…
Stress Stress is generally viewed as something that is bad for our health on many levels but it’s important to know that there is a difference between good stress and bad stress. Good stress – A certain amount of stress can challenge us and help us to use our problem solving…
Oily, Shiny Skin A Problem? Does your skin constantly look shiny? Do you have oily acne prone skin? If this sounds familiar you may be asking yourself what is the best skin care for oily skin? To begin with let’s look at the definition of oily skin. Oily skin is…